We all know the importance of having a high-quality sign for our business, whether that’s a billboard, on the shopfront or pointing customers towards your location in a backstreet, though what few people know is how to make the perfect sign for their business. And given how many different factors there are to consider it’s no surprise. In this article however, we are going to explore some tips on how to design the perfect sign. Of course, we would advise hiring the professional assistance of some reputable sign builders, though it’s also very important to have an idea as to what you want before approaching them in order to get the best possible results.

1 – Size Matters
In more ways than one, though with regards to a sign for your business this requires careful consideration. Naturally, the appropriate size of your sign is dependent on where you intend to place it and what outcome you’d like to encourage.

2 – Location
The location of a sign can have a huge affect on how effective it is. So, for example if you’re located in a backstreet or somewhere out of sight from the high-street, a well-placed sign can encourage people who would have otherwise missed you to come into your store. If location is a problem for you then try to turn it to your advantage by designing and creating innovative and inviting signs to draw your target audience in.

3 – Colour is Key
Colour should be one of the most important factors when deciding on your sign design. Go big and go bold in order to achieve the best possible results. Of course, lighter, pastel colours are beautiful when it comes to home décor, though in terms of creating an eye-catching sign you need to stand out from the crowd.

4 – Contrast Counts
Whilst on the subject of colour be mindful of how your chosen colours contrast with one another. There is no one-size-fits all or ‘perfect’ solution, though there are definitely certain colours which work better with others. Take your time, do your research and you’ll be sure to find the most suitable combination to get your point across and attract your customers without being tacky or over the top.

5 – Material World
The material that your sign is printed on can have a massive effect on just how well your sign turns out. Naturally, cost has a huge impact on your decision, as does whether or not you’re taking the ‘green’ or ‘eco-friendly’ route. Though, depending on your industry and the message you’re trying to convey, there are many different materials which you can use for printing. Be as creative and innovative as you like and try to steer away from the traditional ‘norms’ if you really want to stand out and make a statement.